22 March 1996 Lighting model for natural light in cloudy sky
Chun Fan, Takeshi Agui, Hiroshi Nagahashi
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Proceedings Volume 2644, Fourth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics; (1996)
Event: Fourth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 1995, Wuhan, China
A new lighting model for natural light in cloudy sky is proposed. In order to represent cloudy scenes and the distribution of the natural light in the cloudy sky, the sky in the model is expressed by a part of a sphere which is called S surface. A layer, called C layer, is set just under the S surface to deal with the distribution of clouds. The natural light is supposed to be given by finite point light sources on the S surface, and three kinds of light components--direct light, scattering light and ambient light are used in each point light source to represent the natural light in various weather conditions. The spectrum in the model varies with the sun altitude.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chun Fan, Takeshi Agui, and Hiroshi Nagahashi "Lighting model for natural light in cloudy sky", Proc. SPIE 2644, Fourth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, (22 March 1996);
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Light scattering

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Atmospheric modeling


Light sources and illumination

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