17 April 2014 High-radiance LDP source for mask inspection application
Yusuke Teramoto, Bárbara Santos, Guido Mertens, Ralf Kops, Margarete Kops, Felix Küpper, Gota Niimi, Hironobu Yabuta, Akihisa Nagano, Takuma Yokoyama, Masaki Yoshioka, Takahiro Shirai, Noritaka Ashizawa, Hiroto Sato, Kiyotada Nakamura, Kunihiko Kasama
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High-radiance EUV source is needed for actinic mask inspection applications. LDP source for a lithography application was found to be also able to provide sufficient radiance for mask inspection purpose. Since the plasma size of LDP is properly larger than LPP, not only radiance but also power is suitable for mask inspection applications. Operating condition such as discharge pulse energy, discharge frequency and laser parameter have been tuned to maximize radiance. Introduction of new techniques and several modifications to LDP source have brought radiance level to 180 W/mm2/sr at plasma (or 130 W/mm2/sr as clean-photon radiance). The LDP source is operated at moderate power level in order to ensure sufficient component lifetime and reliability. The first lifetime test done at 10 kHz resulted in 6.5 Gpulse without failure. Debris mitigation system has been successfully installed showing optical transmission as high as 71 %.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yusuke Teramoto, Bárbara Santos, Guido Mertens, Ralf Kops, Margarete Kops, Felix Küpper, Gota Niimi, Hironobu Yabuta, Akihisa Nagano, Takuma Yokoyama, Masaki Yoshioka, Takahiro Shirai, Noritaka Ashizawa, Hiroto Sato, Kiyotada Nakamura, and Kunihiko Kasama "High-radiance LDP source for mask inspection application", Proc. SPIE 9048, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography V, 904813 (17 April 2014); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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Extreme ultraviolet





Laser stabilization



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