1 April 2022 Modeling of polymerization in projection-based two-photon 3D printing
Jason E. Johnson, Paul Somers, Xianfan Xu
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume PC11992, Laser 3D Manufacturing IX; PC119920A (2022)
Event: SPIE LASE, 2022, San Francisco, California, United States
Two-photon polymerization (TPP) is a prevalent 3D nanofabrication tool due to its superior resolution. However, the serial nature of the printing process often limits it applicability. Projection-based TPP in combination with spatiotemporal focusing using a digital micromirror device can be utilized to increase the scalability of the printing process while limiting the loss of resolution. A model is developed to simulate photopolymerization in the spatiotemporal focusing projection-based process. This model is used to better understand the 3D spatial and temporal interactions during the printing process and their effect on printing accuracy.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jason E. Johnson, Paul Somers, and Xianfan Xu "Modeling of polymerization in projection-based two-photon 3D printing", Proc. SPIE PC11992, Laser 3D Manufacturing IX, PC119920A (1 April 2022);
3D modeling


3D printing

Mathematical modeling


Digital micromirror devices

Optical simulations

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