13 March 2024 3D microfluidic biochips made of amorphas fluoropolymer CYTOP using two-photon polymerized molding towards super-resolution bioimaging
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Development of biochips enabling distortion-free imaging in the microchannel filled with a culture medium (water) is required to investigate behavior of living cells in micro and nano environments. Fluoropolymer CYTOP is a promising material as a platform of biochips for the distortion-free imaging, because the refractive index of CYTOP (1.34) is almost same as 1.33 of water. In this study, we have developed a new 3D fabrication method for CYTOP by two-photon polymerized structures using a femtosecond laser as molds, which will be used for fabrication of micro and nano environment platforms for super-resolution bioimaging.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kotaro Obata, Mirai Hanzawa, Felix Sima, Hiroyuki Kawano, Kozunari Ozasa, Yasutaka Hanada, Godai Miyaji, Atsushi Miyawaki, and Koji Sugioka "3D microfluidic biochips made of amorphas fluoropolymer CYTOP using two-photon polymerized molding towards super-resolution bioimaging", Proc. SPIE PC12837, Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems XXII, PC1283702 (13 March 2024);


Super resolution

3D microstructuring


Two photon polymerization

Femtosecond phenomena

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