20 February 2017 Multimodal backside imaging of a microcontroller using confocal laser scanning and optical-beam-induced current imaging
Markus Finkeldey, Lena Göring, Falk Schellenberg, Carsten Brenner, Nils C. Gerhardt, Martin Hofmann
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Proceedings Volume 10110, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering IV; 101101F (2017)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2017, San Francisco, California, United States
Microscopy imaging with a single technology is usually restricted to a single contrast mechanism. Multimodal imaging is a promising technique to improve the structural information that could be obtained about a device under test (DUT). Due to the different contrast mechanisms of laser scanning microscopy (LSM), confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and optical beam induced current microscopy (OBICM), a combination could improve the detection of structures in integrated circuits (ICs) and helps to reveal their layout. While OBIC imaging is sensitive to the changes between differently doped areas and to semiconductor-metal transitions, CLSM imaging is mostly sensitive to changes in absorption and reflection. In this work we present the implementation of OBIC imaging into a CLSM. We show first results using industry standard Atmel microcontrollers (MCUs) with a feature size of about 250nm as DUTs. Analyzing these types of microcontrollers helps to improve in the field of side-channel attacks to find hardware Trojans, possible spots for laser fault attacks and for reverse engineering. For the experimental results the DUT is placed on a custom circuit board that allows us to measure the current while imaging it in our in-house built stage scanning microscope using a near infrared (NIR) laser diode as light source. The DUT is thinned and polished, allowing backside imaging through the Si-substrate. We demonstrate the possibilities using this optical setup by evaluating OBIC, LSM and CLSM images above and below the threshold of the laser source.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Markus Finkeldey, Lena Göring, Falk Schellenberg, Carsten Brenner, Nils C. Gerhardt, and Martin Hofmann "Multimodal backside imaging of a microcontroller using confocal laser scanning and optical-beam-induced current imaging", Proc. SPIE 10110, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering IV, 101101F (20 February 2017);
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Confocal microscopy

Laser scanners



Laser damage threshold


Multimodal imaging

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