21 June 2017 European training network on full-parallax imaging (Conference Presentation)
Manuel Martínez-Corral, Genaro Saavedra
Author Affiliations +
Current displays are far from truly recreating visual reality. This requires a full-parallax display that can reproduce radiance field emanated from the real scenes. The develop-ment of such technology will require a new generation of researchers trained both in the physics, and in the biology of human vision. The European Training Network on Full-Parallax Imaging (ETN-FPI) aims at developing this new generation. Under H2020 funding ETN-FPI brings together 8 beneficiaries and 8 partner organizations from five EU countries with the aim of training 15 talented pre-doctoral students to become future research leaders in this area. In this contribution we will explain the main objectives of the network, and specifically the advances obtained at the University of Valencia.
Conference Presentation
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Manuel Martínez-Corral and Genaro Saavedra "European training network on full-parallax imaging (Conference Presentation)", Proc. SPIE 10219, Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2017, 102190J (21 June 2017);


Human vision and color perception


3D displays

3D image processing

Current controlled current source

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