The progress of nanotechnologies has triggered the emergence of many photonic artificial structures: photonic crystals, metamaterials, plasmonic resonators. Recently the intriguing class of PT-symmetric devices, referring to Parity-Time symmetry [1] has attracted much attention. The characteristic feature of PT-symmetry is that the structures' refractive index profile is complex-valued due to the presence of alternating gain and loss regions in the system. Apart from fundamental research motivations, the tremendous interest in these artificial systems is strongly driven by the practical outcomes expected to foster a new generation of tunable, reconfigurable and non-reciprocal devices.
The principle of gain-loss modulation lying in the heart of PT-symmetry optics enables a range of innovative solutions in the field of integrated optics at 1.5μm [2-7]. By using PT-symmetric coupled waveguides and Bragg reflectors as fundamental building blocks, it is possible to build a wide variety of functional optical devices. The PT-symmetry principle provides an alternative way for the realization of active devices that could become functional in a new platform for integrated optics. For instance one major bottleneck of the III-V/Si hybrid integration approach is that each type of active devices (laser, modulator, etc) requires a specific composition of III-V semiconductor alloy, involving a variety of (re)growth challenges. The advantage of the PT-symmetry solution is that the fabrication of all these devices can be done with a single stack of III-V semiconductor alloys that greatly simplifies the technological process.
The aim of the current contribution is to provide a survey of the most promising applications of PT-symmetry in photonics with a particular emphases on the transition from theoretical concepts to experimental devices. The intention is to draw attention to the risks and issues related to the practical implementation that are most often overlooked in the basic theoretical models. An analysis of solutions to circumvent or overcome these issues to achieve a proper devices operation will be presented. Preliminary results on the experimental realization of PT symmetric structures using III-V's technology will be communicated.
[1] C. M. Bender and S. Boettcher, “Real spectra in non-Hermitian Hamiltonians having PT-symmetry,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5243 (1998).
[2] J. Čtyroký, V. Kuzmiak, and S. Eyderman, “Waveguide structures with antisymmetric gain/loss profile,” Opt. Express 18, 21585-21593 (2010).
[3] A. Lupu, H. Benisty, A. Degiron, “Switching using PT symmetry in plasmonic systems: positive role of the losses,” Opt. Express 21, 21651-21668 (2013).
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[5] H. Benisty, A. Lupu, A. Degiron, “Transverse periodic PT symmetry for modal demultiplexing in optical waveguides,” Phys. Rev. A 91, 053825 (2015).
[6] S. Phang, A. Vukovic, S. C. Creagh, P. D. Sewell, G. Gradoni, T. M. Benson, T. M. “Localized Single Frequency Lasing States in a Finite Parity-Time Symmetric Resonator Chain,” Scientific Reports, 6, 20499 (2016).
[7] A. Lupu, H. Benisty, A. Lavrinenko, “Tailoring spectral properties of binary PT-symmetric gratings by using duty cycle methods,” JSTQE 22, 35-41 (2016).