Satellite telemetry is the vital indicators to estimate the performance of the satellite. The telemetry data, the threshold
range and the variation tendency collected during the whole operational life of the satellite, can guide and evaluate the
subsequent design of the satellite in the future. The rotational parts on the satellite (e.g. solar arrays, antennas and
oscillating mirrors) affect collecting the solar energy and the other functions of the satellite. Visualization telemetries
(pictures, video) are captured to interpret the status of the satellite qualitatively in real time as an important supplement
for troubleshooting. The mature technology of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products have obvious advantages in
terms of the design of construction, electronics, interfaces and image processing. Also considering the weight, power
consumption, and cost, it can be directly used in our application or can be adopted for secondary development. In this
paper, characteristic simulations of solar arrays radiation in orbit are presented, and a suitable camera module of certain
commercial smartphone is adopted after the precise calculation and the product selection process. Considering the
advantages of the COTS devices, which can solve both the fundamental and complicated satellite problems, this
technique proposed is innovative to the project implementation in the future.