9 October 2018 Climate effects of aerosols in Bucharest metropolitan area
Maria A. Zoran, Roxana S. Savastru, Dan M. Savastru
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A spatio-temporal analysis of the aerosol concentrations in two size fractions (PM10 and PM2.5) in relation with air quality (AQI) and meteorological parameters was done through synergy of in-situ monitoring data as well as MODIS Terra/Aqua time-series satellite data for Bucharest metropolitan area during 2012 year. The C005 (version 5.1) Level 2 and Level 3 Terra MODIS AOD550 time-series satellite data for period 01/01/2012- 31/12/2012 have been used. ORIGIN 8.0 and ENVI 5.0 software were used. All these methods are important and complementary. It was found that Particle Materials PM2.5 and PM10 aerosols exhibit their highest concentrations mostly in the central part of the town, due to road traffic as well as in the industrialized periurban areas. In addition to the local and regional anthropogenic PM sources, both the levels and composition of air PM depend on meteorological parameters (temperature, humidity, precipitation, winds etc.), and season of the year. The results revealed a significant month-to-month variability in all AOD550 values, underlying the influence of varying aerosol load function of season. The AOD550 values (Level 3) lie in a wide range, as low as 0.2 up to 0.5. The influence of aerosol particles on climate, and how their properties are perturbed by anthropogenic activity, is one of the key uncertainties in climate change assessments. These results contribute to a better understanding of urban decision makers through considering the specific characteristics of different urban sectors for air quality improvement.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Maria A. Zoran, Roxana S. Savastru, and Dan M. Savastru "Climate effects of aerosols in Bucharest metropolitan area", Proc. SPIE 10793, Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications in Urban Environments III, 107930Z (9 October 2018);
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