To calculate the light propagation through heterogeneous bio-tissues, we propose a convolutional deep network with specified convolutional kernels and calculation rules. The form of convolution kernels is chosen to be capable to imitate the absorption and scattering event by convolution operation. In the meanwhile, the multi kernel and masking mechanism we set provide the capability to calculate propagation in voxelized heterogeneous bio-tissue structures with pre-set tissue types and specific optical properties. The two-dimensional convolution operations are carried out multiple times until all the photons leaves the structure or absorbed by the tissues. Application of our network with kernels in the form of semi-infinite homogeneous radiative transfer equation (RTE) solution, and semi-infinite homogeneous diffusion equation (DE) solution are implemented to three artificial manipulated structures, including homogeneous phantom, two-layer structure and two-layer structure with a third tissue type inside layer two. The result comparing to Monte-Carlo simulation reveals the potential to form a new forward calculation model for diffuse optical tomography.