Presentation + Paper
7 March 2019 Resolution optimized prism-based SPR imaging for the study of individual bacteria interaction with surface
Marine Boulade, Thierry Livache, Paul G. Charette, Michael Canva, Loïc Leroy
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 10894, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XVI; 108940J (2019)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2019, San Francisco, California, United States
Bacterial pathogen contamination is the leading cause of both foodborne and hospital-acquired diseases. Therefore, there is a constant need for more effective, reliable and easy-to-use microbiology study techniques and detection systems. This is critical, as pathogenic contamination has become a central issue in the food industry and healthcare. This paper describes the novel use of resolution-optimized prism-based surface plasmon resonance imaging (resolution around the size of a bacteria) and data processing to further understand the behavior of individual bacteria near specifically engineered surfaces. We show that our technique is effective for both the dynamic study of individual bacteria behavior near interface on a statistically representative sample, and their interactions with chemically functionalized surfaces.
Conference Presentation
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Marine Boulade, Thierry Livache, Paul G. Charette, Michael Canva, and Loïc Leroy "Resolution optimized prism-based SPR imaging for the study of individual bacteria interaction with surface", Proc. SPIE 10894, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XVI, 108940J (7 March 2019);
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Image processing

Image resolution



Statistical analysis

Surface plasmons


Design and application of binary differencing filters
Proceedings of SPIE (March 30 1995)
Human skin surface evaluation by image processing
Proceedings of SPIE (December 08 2003)
Multiwindow Displays Of Text, Graphics And Images
Proceedings of SPIE (June 03 1987)

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