4 March 2019 HydRON: High throughput optical network
Harald Hauschildt, Carlo Elia, Hermann Ludwig Moeller, Josep Maria Perdigues Armengol
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Proceedings Volume 10910, Free-Space Laser Communications XXXI; 109100K (2019)
Event: SPIE LASE, 2019, San Francisco, California, United States
Optical communication Technologies are considered to be one of the next major revolutions in satellite communication, bringing unprecedentedly high levels of transmission rates, data security and resilience. However technical developments and early implementations cannot demonstrate its full capabilities, as the optical solution is mainly used in nonoptimized (SatCom) systems. To address the system level aspects ESA and its member states have implemented the operational European Data Relay System (EDRS) providing routine Quasi-Real-Time-Data Services to the European Commission Copernicus satellite fleet. Furthermore, a dedicated programme for Optical Communication was created called "ScyLight" which stands for a "SeCure and Laser communication Technology" Framework Programme. To integrate satellite and terrestrial networks ESA is now preparing its next logical step in optical communication systems by creating the elements for a High Throughput Opticial Network called HydRON. In HydRON optical interconnections in the Tbps (Terabit per second) region will be established including "All-Optical payloads” providing the means for a truly "Fibre in Space" network. Technically speaking HydRon is aiming for Tbps "All-Optical Network” solutions, dividing the satellite payload into a network part and an application part - similar to optical fiber networks on ground. The application is hooked to the network. HydRON will prepare Optical Feeder uplinks into a network of in orbit Technology Demonstrators (called HydRON#1, #2, etc.), which will be interconnected by means of Tbps laser intersatellite links. WDM Laser terminals (ground/space) and optical routing capabilities on-board the network nodes in space will be implemented together with optical payloads to enable a high throughput network connection to the applications. The space network concept will reduce the dependency on single ground stations as all HydRON nodes will get their particular data via the network they are interfacing with. A combination of new optical technologies, novel photonics equipment and efficient network concepts will be proven in orbit. HydRON shall not be seen as THE solution for all, but shall give a platform to demonstrate the capabilities of multiple industry players and to prepare for the future: a European/Canadian SHOW CASE on Optical Communications!
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Harald Hauschildt, Carlo Elia, Hermann Ludwig Moeller, and Josep Maria Perdigues Armengol "HydRON: High throughput optical network", Proc. SPIE 10910, Free-Space Laser Communications XXXI, 109100K (4 March 2019); Logo
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