21 February 2020 Achromatic phase-shifting method for isolated tissue imaging with video-rate FF-OCT
Yue Zhu, Wanrong Gao, Jianjian Chen
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Motion artifacts and interference residuals limit the performance of conventional full-field optical coherence tomography (FF-OCT) for in vivo imaging. It is because piezoelectric translator-based phase-shifting method bring chromatic abberation with broadband light source and is wavelegnth-dependent. Many achromatic phase-shifters were designed and introduced additional mechanical vibrations into the imaging system. In this work, an achromatic phase-shifting mechanism was proposed with dual-channel FF-OCT. Based on a Linnik interferometer, a linear polarizer and a quarter-wave plate were employed in the reference arm to replace PZT and generate the circle polarized light beam. The light field reflected from the reference arm is supposed with the unpolarized light backscattered from the sample when the path difference is within the coherence length of the light source. With one phase difference of π/2 shifted by interference between the circle polarized light and unpolarized light. Two inteference beams were received by a pair of identical CCDs. With porposed numerical phase-shifting method based on Hilbert transform, the en face tomograms of sample will be reconstructed in a single-shot. The axial and lateral resolutions of the system are around 1.4µm and 0.8µm, respectively. Tomograms of Intel microchip were displayed with clear substructures. Three-dimensional miscrostructures of fresh and isolated mouse heart were obtained in video-rate. This article aims at producing fringe-free OCT images with imaging rate of 30fps.
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Yue Zhu, Wanrong Gao, and Jianjian Chen "Achromatic phase-shifting method for isolated tissue imaging with video-rate FF-OCT", Proc. SPIE 11228, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXIV, 112282P (21 February 2020);
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Phase shifts

Signal processing

Imaging systems

Optical coherence tomography

Beam splitters

In vivo imaging

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