This paper represents a number of fundamental problems related to resonant phenomena in QED processes in external strong electromagnetic fields. In particular, a systematic theoretical study of resonant QED processes in strong laser fields up to 1026 W/cm2 is planned, such as: the resonant laser-assisted spontaneous bremsstrahlung of ultrarelativistic electrons in the nucleus field, the resonant laser-assisted photoproduction of ultrarelativistic electron-positron pairs in the nucleus field, the resonant laser-stimulated generation of ultrarelativistic electron-positron pairs in the collision of high-energy electrons with a strong laser wave, the resonant laser-assisted Breit-Wheeler process, the resonant laser-assisted annihilation and production process of an ultrarelativistic electron-positron pair. The resonant kinematics of these processes in a strong laser field is studied in detail. A significant dependence of the energy of the resulting ultrarelativistic electron-positron pairs on their outgoing angles is shown. The presence of a threshold for the minimum number of photons of the laser wave is shown. This number of photons depends significantly on the energy of the initial particles and the laser intensity. Resonant differential cross-sections of these QED processes are obtained. It is shown that the resonant differential cross-section can exceed the corresponding non-resonant ones very significantly (by several orders of magnitude). This theoretical research predicts a number of new physical effects and can be tested in international research project ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure, Czech Republic).