1.INTRODUCTIONHigh resolution and low dose soft tissue imaging is an open challenge in medical imaging. New possibilities for X-ray imaging with micrometer and sub micrometer resolution are now possible thanks to new generation radiation sources, characterized by high coherence and brilliance. Unlike the classical absorption-based X-ray techniques, phase contrast imaging imposes that the modification of the X-ray wavefront of the beam passing through the sample can be transformed into contrast, and hence reconstructed indirectly by a number of methods. Among these, In-line phase-contrast1–4 enables weakly absorbing objects to be imaged successfully with X-rays without the use of optics or contrast agents. A tridimensional reconstruction of the object is crucial to resolve the spatial organization of inner details, in particular for biomedical applications.5 X-ray tomography provides a volumetric visualization of the specimen applying a reconstruction algorithm on 2D projections acquired at many illumination angles. Thus, X-ray tomography is a 3D high-resolution technique that greatly enhances the visibility of small structure inside the sample. One of the key challenge of biomedical imaging is to increase image contrast of weakly absorbing materials. Standard X-ray imaging, in fact, can resolve inner details in the sample based on their absorption variations only, making challenging to separate structures with close density values. In the hard X-ray region, phase contrast is predominant over the absorption contrast enhancing features that are invisible in absorption. Moreover, since light materials are almost transparent to X-rays the dose delivered to the sample is definitely lower than in standard X-ray tomography. The combination of Phase Contrast Imaging with Tomography allows to investigate in all the spatial directions low absorbing samples. Many techniques have been implemented to perform X-ray Phase Contrast Tomography (XPCT) like Free-Space Propagation set-ups,6,7 Talbot,8 coded aperture2 and interferometry.9 For biological application measuring the density variations inside the tissues is an important parameter to differentiate morphological structures and their changes. Object densities are described by their index of refraction n(ω) = 1 – δ(ω) – iβ(ω), where ω is the wave pulsation, δ(ω) is proportional to the phase and β(ω) to the absorption. Many Phase Contrast techniques can only provide images where the contribution of phase (δ) and absorption (β) properties of the sample are mixed together. In particular, in Free-Space Propagation Phase Contrast a phase retrieval algorithm10 is used to recover the intensity at the object plane making use of the ratio δ/β. A widely used single-material phase-retrieval method was developed by Paganin.11 In this case it is impossible to separate the contribution of phase and absorption, and therefore to calculate the exact density of the material or its chemical composition. Here, we present some results obtained by Free-Space Propagation XPCT applied to the study of neurodegenerative diseases. In addition to that, we introduce an alternative phase contrast technique that makes use of the Hartmann wavefront sensor. In this way a direct and separate measurement of phase and absorption can be obtained. Finally, since many structural and experimental parameters need to be optimized, a simulation tool for Hartmann sensor imaging is shown as well as experimental results. 2.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION2.1XPCT for the investigation of neurogenerative diseasesThe propagation of a coherent/partially coherent X-ray beam interacting with a sample will induce refraction of the X-ray beam from its original path. Therefore, the local change of density in the sample will create small interference fringes that can be detected by placing the detector far from the sample. Being able to differentiate small density changes inside biological tissue, XPCT is particularly appealing for biomedical applications. The anatomical and physiological similarities between humans and animals, particularly mammals, have prompted researchers to investigate a large range of mechanisms in animal models before applying their discoveries to humans. Genetic mutations have been associated with neurodegenerative diseases onset and animal models that mimic the human disease are widely used in clinical and pre-clinical research. We will present some experimental results, in particular mice models for Amyotrofic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer Disease (AD) were investigated in brain and spinal cord samples. Tracking morphological alterations inside the tissue is crucial for neurodegenerative disease diagnosis and for monitoring disease treatment. XPCT measurements were performed at the ID 17 beamline of European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble (France). Animal experimentation was approved by the Italian Ministry of Health and carried out in agreement with the institutional guidelines and international laws (Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, transposed into the Italian legislation by the ‘Decreto Legislativo’ of 4 March 2014, n. 26). For ALS-affected mice spinal cords the monochromatic incident beam was set at 30 keV with a sample-detector distance of 2.3 m and a detector pixel size of 3.06 μm. For AD-affected mice brains the XPCT experiment was performed with monochromatic incident beam set at 48.5 keV with a sample-detector distance of 3 m and a detector pixel size of 3.06 μm. The tomography data was acquired with 2000 projections covering a total angle range of 360°. Phase retrieval was performed using a single distance method developed by Paganin11. Data pre-processing, phase retrieval and reconstruction were performed using the SYRMEP Tomo Project software12, 13. XPCT of mouse brain and spinal cord, affected by AD and ALS respectively, are shown in Fig. 1. Morphological changes can be seen in 20 months old mouse brain affected by AD (APP/PS1 model) (Fig. 1a). Alzheimer disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that gradually robs the patient of cognitive function implying a type of memory defect with difficulty in learning and recalling new information14. The occurrence of AD is connected with the presence of neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles inside the brain. The abnormal over-expression of proteins (amyloid and tau) in and around brain cells will lead to the formation of deposits called plaques. Significantly increasing in amyloid deposition is strictly connected with brain aging. In Fig. 1a a late stage AD brain is shown, where the plaques are concentrated in the inner part of the Hippocampus (upper inset) as well as in the brain cortex (lower inset). Thanks to the high contrast provided by XPCT brain fibers entering the cortex can be clearly resolved (right top inset). In Fig. 1b a 60 days old ALS affected mice (SOD1 model) spinal cord is shown. ALS is the most common and severe form of motor neuron diseases involving localized muscle weakness and respiratory symptoms. Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) was the first identified ALS gene, upon which mouse models resembling ALS have been generated and extensively studied5. In the spinal cord transverse section (Fig. 1b, upper part) the white matter arranged around a butterfly-shaped area of gray matter, together with spinal cord fibers entering the white matter. In the coronal section (Fig. 1b, lower part) a full reconstruction of the thoracic/lumbar area of the spinal cord can be appreciated. The vascularization (lower inset) is clearly visible along with the neuronal network (white spots). The high resolution images obtained with Free-Space Propagation XPCT are very promising for the investigation of neurodegenerative diseases, even if it is not possible to quantify the densities and extract the chemical composition of the sample. Preliminary results to perform such measurements will be shown in the next paragraph. 2.2Phase Imaging with the Hartmann sensor: basics and experimental resultsThe Hartmann wavefront sensor is a device capable to reconstruct independently the phase and amplitude of the incident beam with very high accuracy. A grid of regularly spaced holes is used to sample the wavefront, splitting the beam into beamlets that will result in an array of spots recorded by a 2D detector. The main components of an Hartmann sensor are displayed in Fig. 2. Inserting a sample before the Hartmann plate, will determine a shift of the spots at the detector plane (inset of Fig. 2). An image of the Hartmann wavefront sensor, designed by Imagine Optic15, used for the experimental measurement can be seen on the right side of Fig. 2. The displacement Δx and Δy is proportional to the local slopes of the wavefront. It will produce a discrete map of the wavefront in the x and y directions that can be expressed in the following way: where Ф is the wavefront, Δxi,j and Δyi,j are the measured shifts along the x and y directions of the spot of hole (i, j). L is the distance between the Hartmann plate and detection planes. Measuring the local displacements (Δx, Δy) of the spots allows retrieving the local wave vectors (kx and ky). The integration of the kx and ky maps produces the wavefront map. Sample absorption can be also calculated integrating the signal correspondent to each hole and dividing it to the signal recorded without the sample. Therefore, a wavefront sensor generates the absorption and the phase maps of the sample16. The set-up described in Fig. 2 was used for a tomography experiment in collaboration with the company Imagine Optic. The source is the Excillum microfocus Metal-jet 70 kV, emitting a wide energy spectrum with an energy peak at 9 keV (Ga Kα). The goal is to perform a tomography experiment taking different materials as a target to reconstruct the absorption and the deflections resulting from the interaction with the objects. The samples are cylinder tubes made of carbon (1.5mm in diameter) or a tube of PMMA (2mm in diameter). The third is a 2mm diameter polycarbonate tube filled with 150 μm spheres of glass (Fig. 3). To reconstruct the sample in 3D, 400 tomographic projections are acquired under different viewing angles to cover 180°. The coronal plane of the reconstructed absorption can be seen in Fig. 3a, while the reconstructed 3D deflection map can be seen in Fig. 3b. The samples from left to right the tubes are Carbon, PMMA, and a tube filled with micro-spheres. The micro-spheres structure can be clearly seen in absorption (inset of Fig. 3a), while some imperfections inside the PMMA can be only seen in the deflection map (inset of Fig. 3b). The 3D reconstruction of the samples are shown in Fig. 3c. 2.3Simulation tool for Phase ImagingAs we have seen in the previous paragraphs, wavefront sensor provides the absorption and the phase maps of the sample. Moreover, 2D images are acquired from one acquisition making the measurement procedure fast and stable. Measurements can be performed with high sensitivity both with monochromatic or polychromatic beams since the system is lensless. The implementation of a real set-up for phase imaging with the Hartmann wavefront sensor can be challenging. In particular, the architecture of the Hartmann hole plate, the distances between the different elements of the set-up and the source properties are some of the crucial issues that determine the performances of the entire system. A python simulation tool capable of giving the output of a real set-up has been implemented17. The source is designed as a superposition of Gaussian beams and thus can simulate any degree of coherence. Before the propagation each Gaussian beam is shifted in a random position chosen inside a larger Gaussian distribution (source size) and multiplied by a random phase factor. In this way it is possible to simulate any sources from fully coherent to the incoherent (see also Sect. 3 and Sect. 4 [18]. For each optical element, the wavefront is calculated using Fresnel’s propagators and the final electric field is given by the sum of the electric field of each Gaussian. A simple sketch of the simulated set-up can be seen at the top of Fig. 4, where z is the propagation distance, L is the screen dimension and U is the field at each plane. We show the results for the occurrence of diffraction and cross-talk between adjacent holes when changing the coherence of the illuminating beam. The degree of coherence was set inversely proportional to the number (N) of gaussians inside the source: N=1 Fig. 4a, N=10 Fig. 4b, N=1000 Fig. 4c. Diffraction effects from the hole edges can be seen in the case of coherent illumination (Fig. 4a), while for N=10 the displacement of the sub-sources associated to the interference of the propagated beams induces a strong change on the pattern (Fig. 4b). Finally, in the case of strongly incoherent illumination (Fig. 4c) a Gaussian shape for the diffraction pattern of each hole can be noticed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe would like to thank the support of Prematuration 2019 project from IP Paris. This research was funded by the 3DXlight project (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program) under grant agreement N° 851956. This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 871124 Laserlab-Europe. This work was also funded by the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the European Union FEDER under the XPULSE project (grant number n°3334910): “development of an imaging system using X-rays based on ultra-short intense laser for applications in breast cancer imaging”. The FISR Project ‘Tecnopolo di nanotecnologia e fotonica per la medicina di precisione’ (funded by MIUR/CNR, CUP B83B17000010001) and the TECNOMED project (funded by Regione Puglia, CUP B84I18000540002) are also acknowledged. We acknowledge Alphanov for giving us access to their X-ray source set-up. The authors acknowledge the help from collaborators from Imagine Optic in the data acquisition with the Hartmann sensor: Martin Piponnier and Laura Oudjedi. REFERENCESM. Fratini, I. Bukreeva, G. Campi, F. Brun, G. Tromba, P. Modregger, D. Bucci, G. Battaglia, R. Spadon, M. Mastrogiacomo, H. Requardt, F. Giove, A. Bravin, and A. Cedola,
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