In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of using machine learning methods for the estimation of StructuralThermal-Optical-Performance (STOP) models of reflective optics. We use a model of a Newtonian telescope system to test machine learning methods. To generate the estimation data, we model and simulate a transient finite-element STOP model of the Newtonian telescope by using COMSOL Multiphysics and LiveLink for MATLAB software module. We use a feedforward neural network structure to estimate the STOP model. The inputs and outputs of the neural network correspond to the inputs and outputs of a Vector AutoRegressive eXogenous (VARX) model. Our results show that large-scale STOP dynamics can be effectively approximated by a loworder neural network model. Consequently, low-order VARX or state-space models can be reconstructed from the parameters of the estimated feedforward neural network, and used for the prediction, state estimation, and design of model-based controllers. We use the TensorFlow and Keras machine learning libraries and Python to estimate the feedforward neural network model. The developed COMSOL, MATLAB, and Python codes are available online.