Presentation + Paper
15 March 2023 Single PD optical detection of optical intensity and polarization-modulated signals in multidimensional optical transmission
Inho Ha, Joungmoon Lee, Jinwoo Park, Sang-Kook Han
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Data traffic is increasing explosively because of the development of various mobile applications and services for 5G and B5G communication. Optical intensity modulation has been used in optical access networks. However, due to the modulation bandwidth limitation of the optical modulator and the fiber dispersion, it is difficult to support the increasing data traffic only using optical intensity modulation. Therefore, multidimensional optical transmission using various optical resources has been researched. Modulation using optical polarization is widely studied as one of the multidimensional modulation resources because the system is simpler than other techniques. However, due to the squarelaw detection, which is an intensity-based signal reception, the signal needs to be received for each dimension respectively at the receivers, so the complexity of the optical receiver is increased as multiple resources are used. In this paper, we propose a single PD based signal receiving technique for the multidimensional signals modulated on optical intensity and optical polarization. The multidimensional optical signal is distorted by interdimensional interference. The proposed technique minimizes interference when receiving optical intensity and polarization modulated signals using a single PD. The proposed technique can separate each modulated signal for each modulation dimension of the multidimensional optical signals. We experimented the multidimensional signal detection using a single PD. We experimentally verified the BER performance of the QAM-PIRFSK signal transmission.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Inho Ha, Joungmoon Lee, Jinwoo Park, and Sang-Kook Han "Single PD optical detection of optical intensity and polarization-modulated signals in multidimensional optical transmission", Proc. SPIE 12429, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems XII, 1242913 (15 March 2023);
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Multidimensional signal processing

Optical transmission


Signal detection

Signal intensity


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