Presentation + Paper
3 October 2023 Off-axis laser scatter detection with an event camera
Chancellor Roach, Dylan Tomlinson, Matthew McHarg, Timothy Bate
Author Affiliations +
Neuromorphic cameras are capable of processing large amounts of information through asynchronously recording changes in photon levels across every pixel. Due to their recent insertion into the commercial market, research that characterizes these types of cameras is just emerging. Determining sensor capabilities outside a laboratory environment allows for understanding future applications of this technology. An experiment was made with the purpose of determining if the camera could detect laser scatter within the atmosphere and determine information about the laser. Experimentation in real-world environments observed that the camera can distinguish laser scatter with environmental backdrops at varying distances, determine the repetition frequency of the laser, and draw preliminary angle determination data.
Conference Presentation
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chancellor Roach, Dylan Tomlinson, Matthew McHarg, and Timothy Bate "Off-axis laser scatter detection with an event camera", Proc. SPIE 12693, Unconventional Imaging, Sensing, and Adaptive Optics 2023, 1269311 (3 October 2023);
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Laser scattering



Repetition frequency

Laser processing

Rayleigh scattering

Tunable filters


Spectral imaging with a single pixel camera
Proceedings of SPIE (September 07 2018)
An Infrared Scene Composer For Electronic Vision Applications
Proceedings of SPIE (December 10 1986)
Affordable spectropolarimetry with MANTIS-3T
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Agile bandpass tunable filter in gas measurement
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