Spectroscopic identification of aerosolized chemical threats is challenging due to the complex nature of the photon/particle interaction, as well as the diversity of possible particle sizes, morphologies, and compositions. Constructing a database of laboratory - measured transmittance spectra that covers each permutation is not practical. However, calculation of the spectra using the measured optical constants as a function of wavenumber, n(ν) and k(ν), for each of the liquids and/or solids composing the aerosol particles provides a viable alternative. These synthetic spectra (vis-à-vis laboratory-measured spectra) can be used to identify chemicals of interest and subtract out background interferents in field measurements. Using a well-established multiple pathlength approach, we measure the optical constants n/k for liquids that may be found as chemical species of interest or common background interferents aerosolized in plumes. These measurements are also used to generate several test case aerosol synthetic spectra.