This document presents a picture of the Optimizer, that will be the core component of the dynamic scheduling system, going to be developed for the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT). It will consist of a series of algorithms whose purpose will be to analyze the information stored in a database and then release two schedules: the long-term semester schedule and the short-term (72h) schedule. Optimizer’s computation engine is going to be based on a set of varying parameters, like weather conditions or technical constraints. The core calculation will take place inside the optimizer, and it will be required that the software runs continuously, as it would have to respond in near real time to any changes that may occur in the system. It will consist of several subcomponents, to properly evaluate the weather conditions, to calculate the observations priority, to predict the long-term status and to produce the short-term schedules. Moreover, a simulator will be built to properly calibrate and validate the algorithms.