VSTPOL is a project to provide a new polarimetric capability to the VST. With its 2.6m primary mirror and 1 degree × 1 degree field of view, the upgrade will make the VST the first large wide field survey telescope with optical polarimetry, filling a specific niche in the astronomical instrumentation landscape. The polarimetric mode will replace the electro-mechanical system that hosts the ADC, which currently sits unused, so that the filter can be accommodated without compromising the ordinary optical configuration. The upgrade requires the design of the mechanical interface to the telescope structure and optics, and the integration of the instrument electronic and software systems. In this paper we present an overview of the approach adopted for the project management and system engineering towards the design of the polarimetric mode addition. In particular, this includes the activities related to the definition of schedule, product and work breakdown structure, deliverables, technical requirements analysis and interfaces.