Presentation + Paper
16 August 2024 NEW-MUSIC: The Next-generation Extended-Wavelength MUltiband Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera
Sunil R. Golwala, Andrew D. Beyer, Daniel Cunnane, Peter K. Day, Fabien Defrance, Clifford F. Frez, Xiaolan Huang, Junhan Kim, Jean-Marc Martin, Jack Sayers, Shibo Shu, Shiling Yu
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The Next-generation Extended Wavelength-MUltiband Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera (NEW-MUSIC) on the Leighton Chajnantor Telescope (LCT) will be a first-of-its-kind, six-band, transmillimeter-wave (“trans-mm”) polarimeter covering 2.4 octaves of spectral bandwidth to open a new window on the trans-mm time-domain frontier, in particular new frontiers in energy, density, time, and magnetic field. NEW-MUSIC’s broad spectral coverage will also enable the use of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effects to study accretion, feedback, and dust content in the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies and galaxy clusters. Six-band spectral energy distributions, with polarization information, will yield new insights into stellar and planetary nurseries. NEW-MUSIC will employ hierarchical, phased arrays of polarization-sensitive superconducting slot-dipole antennas, coupled to photolithographic bandpass filters, to nearly optimally populate LCT’s 14′ field-of-view with six spectral bands over 80–420 GHz (1:5.25 spectral dynamic range; 2.4 octaves). Light will be routed to Al or AlMn microstripline-coupled, parallel-plate capacitor, lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors (MS-PPC-LEKIDs), an entirely new KID architecture that substantially enhances design flexibility while providing background-limited performance. Innovative, wide-bandwidth, etched silicon structures will be used to antireflection-treat the back-illuminated focal plane. NEW-MUSIC will cost-effectively reuse much of the MUSIC instrument, initially deploying a quarter-scale focal plane capable of the bulk of NEW-MUSIC science followed later by a full-FoV focal plane needed for NEW-MUSIC wide-area survey science.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sunil R. Golwala, Andrew D. Beyer, Daniel Cunnane, Peter K. Day, Fabien Defrance, Clifford F. Frez, Xiaolan Huang, Junhan Kim, Jean-Marc Martin, Jack Sayers, Shibo Shu, and Shiling Yu "NEW-MUSIC: The Next-generation Extended-Wavelength MUltiband Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera", Proc. SPIE 13102, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XII, 1310202 (16 August 2024);
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