Open Access Paper
13 September 2024 WEB GIS tools to visualize sea currents data
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Proceedings Volume 13212, Tenth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2024); 132121I (2024)
Event: Tenth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2024), 2024, Paphos, Cyprus
The work is dedicated to the development of web GIS tools that provide storage, data access, and visualization of current data. The system was developed using free-access ARGO data from the ARGO portal [1,2] but any other similar data (for example, drifters’ data) can be used. To store data, the Postgresql DBMS was chosen. The database was designed to archive metadata and data separately. The database consists of a metadata table (trajectories) that has key fields connected to the measurement data table (profiles). The tables were automatically filled up by specially developed Python software. Standard Argo files do not have drift information. To calculate it and fill it into the database table, a Python script was developed. The user interface (UI) was realized using jQuery and MapboxGL as a map service. The UI allows to select the ARGO float trajectories using the ARGO ID from the available relevant list. The trajectory can be displayed as vectors that show the drift's direction and speed, or as points that match observation cycles. In addition to trajectories, observations points, and profiles plots for every measurement parameter, the user interface (UI) enables the visualization of drift velocity, drift rise, and drift information metadata. The following criteria can be used to make the queries: - Selecting an Argo ID. -Selecting by rectangular area from all of the Argo drift data. - Selecting based on date intervals, drift depth and combination of these filters Further, the system will be adapted to archive and visualize current ADCP measurements.



Since 2005, Argo floats have become an important source of observations in the World Ocean and, of course, in the Black Sea. Also, they can be used as Lagrange markers to estimate current speed. [3,4,5] Argo velocity data is only available in netCDF format for all floats on the Argo portal [6] Compared to an online data access and visualization solution, it is less convenient. Therefore, creating a system that allows for data access and current speed visualization is a very real task.



The system was developed based on a client-server architecture. jQuery [7] was used to create the user interface, and Plotly was employed to plot profiles and current rose. The Mapbox GL [8] library provides map service functions. The server part includes a currents database and PHP modules that provide data exchange in JSON format.

The Postgresql DBMS [9] was selected to store data. Data and metadata were intended to be kept apart in the database design. The database consists of a metadata table (trajectories) that is connected to the measurement data table (profiles). (Figure 1, Figure 2) The trajectory tables include the Argo profile ID, cycle number, coordinate fields, the depth of the drift for almost each cycle, and velocity information (speed and direction). Drift information is absent from standard Argo files. A Python script was developed in order to calculate it and insert it into the database table.

Figure 1.

Metadata table example


Figure 2.

Measurement data table


The measurement data table includes the argo platform ID, cycle number, which corresponds to the same trajectories’ table fields, and observed parameters such as pressure, temperature, and salinity. Additionally, some floats have measures for chlorophyll and oxygen. Specially written Python software filled the tables automatically.

The floats’ station positions were indicated by circles, each of which had a different color. They were plotted on the map using the JSON data.

Visualizing velocity vectors on the interactive map was the other task. Recognize that while the Mapbox GL library does not come with arrow markers by default, you may use it to add custom images and icons to your map. Therefore, it was first required to sketch them and add them to the main JavaScript file. The accompanying arrow images were created for intervals of seven speeds. Next, a step expression was created to illustrate the direction and speed of the velocity arrows.



You can access the user interface (UI) at http://bod-mhi.ry/ff/.

With the ARGO ID, you can choose the ARGO float trajectories from the appropriate list. The trajectory can be shown as vectors that match the drift speed and direction and can be joined to a line, or as points that match observation cycles.

In addition to trajectories, observations points, profiles plots, and drift velocity at the map, drift rose, and metadata (platform ID, coordinates, date, and time of observations) can all be seen through the user interface. The following criteria can be used to make the queries:

  • - Selecting on Argo ID. Example is shown at Figure 3 (profile) and Figure 4 (velocity).

  • - Selecting by rectangular area from all of the Argo drift data. (Figure 5)

  • - Selecting based on date intervals, drift depth, and combining these filters. (Figure 6)

Figure 3.

Selection on Argo ID (profiles)


Figure 4.

Selection on Argo ID (velocity)


Figure 5.

Selection all Argo (velocity)


Figure 6.

Selection by rectangular area




An online, powerful, and user-friendly instrument for accessing, visualizing, and analyzing currents data—such as Argo float velocity—is made available via WEB GIS tools for visualizing sea current data. Updating data and adding new information is made simple by using Python scripts to automatically fill database tables. In addition to Argo float data, the system can hold other velocity data for the Black Sea and other parts of the World Ocean, such as drifters and ADCP observations.


The development of the Black Sea Argo database and web interface took place in the context of the MHI RAS state task on two themes: No. FNNN-2024-0012, “Analysis, diagnosis, and real-time forecast of the state of hydrophysical and hydrochemical fields of marine water areas based on mathematical modeling using data from remote and in situ methods of measurements” (“Operational Oceanology”), and No. FNNN-2024-0014, “Fundamental studies of interaction processes in the sea—air system that form the physical state variability of the marine environment at various spatial and temporal scales” (“Interactions of Ocean and Atmosphere”).



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(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Elena Zhuk "WEB GIS tools to visualize sea currents data", Proc. SPIE 13212, Tenth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2024), 132121I (13 September 2024);
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Geographic information systems

Data storage

Human-machine interfaces

Data modeling


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