In this paper, on the basis of literature analysis, calculation of thermodynamic parameters and construction of phase diagrams, the following systems were selected: FexCo6Al3Ni2Si (x = 5; 6 and 8) and Fe6Co6Al4Ni3MnSix (x = 0; 0.513 and 1.053) with different iron and silicon contents. It is revealed that the compositions possess thermodynamic parameters: for the FexCo6Al3Ni2Si system, the interatomic state difference is 4.86-5.34 %, the mixing enthalpy values are -(16.39-17.89) kJ/mol, the thermodynamic parameter including the average melting point of the elements, entropy and mixing enthalpy are 1.07-1.22, for the system Fe6Co6Al4Ni3MnSix the difference of interatomic states 4.99-5.64 %, the values of enthalpy of mixing -(18.28-21.40) kJ/mol, thermodynamic parameter including average melting point of elements, entropy and enthalpy of mixing 1.00-1.07, respectively.