31 December 2024 3D orientation control of irregular microparticles using adaptive optical tweezers
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Orientation control of microparticles of irregular shape is highly needed in various fields such as cell surgery and microassembly. While a lot of techniques have been developed for rotating microparticles with optical tweezers, it is still a difficult task to control orientation (i.e. to stop rotation in a desired posture) of irregular particles with conventional optical tweezers since such particles’ motion with optical tweezers are complex. In this research, to accomplish the task, we propose a concept of adaptive optical tweezers, which realizes 3D orientation control of irregular microparticles by automatically adapting the illumination patterns to the observed shapes of microparticles in real time. In this paper, as a simple realization of adaptive optical tweezers, we report on “contour-shape” optical tweezers, which generate illumination patterns along observed contour shapes of microparticles in real time. Contour-shape optical tweezers are intended to trap irregular microparticles without out-of-plane rotation, which occurs with conventional optical tweezers of one-point illumination. With contour-shape optical tweezers, particles are illuminated only in edge parts, where optical responses can be approximated with those of spheres. Thus, it is expected that the torque applied to a particle is to be cancelled out throughout the particle, so that the particle stops out-of-plane rotation. In the experiment, polystyrene microparticles (~20μm) of irregular shape were trapped with out-of-plane rotation suppressed using contour-shape optical tweezers. This result suggests the feasibility of the concept of adaptive optical tweezers.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
R. Omine, S. Masui, S. Kadoya, M. Michihata, and S. Takahashi "3D orientation control of irregular microparticles using adaptive optical tweezers", Proc. SPIE 13487, Optics and Photonics International Congress 2024, 134870G (31 December 2024);
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Optical tweezers


Light sources and illumination


3D image processing




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