18 January 1993 LISP: a laser imaging simulation package for developing and testing laser vision systems
Kung Chris Wu
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Proceedings Volume 1713, International Conference on Manufacturing Automation; (1993)
Event: International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, 1992, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
The difficulties commonly encountered in developing laser imaging technologies are: (1) high cost of the laser system, and (2) time and cost involved in modeling and maneuvering a physical environment for the desired scenes. In contrast to the real imaging systems, computer generated laser images provide researchers with fast, accurate, cost-effective data for testing and developing algorithms. The laser imaging simulation package (LISP) described in this paper provides an interactive solid modeler that allows users to construct the artificial environment by various solid modelling techniques. Two fast ray tracing algorithms were developed and discussed in this paper for generating the near realistic laser data of any desired scene. These computer generated laser data facilitates the researchers in developing laser imaging algorithms. Thus, LISP not only provides an ideal testbed for developing and testing algorithms, but also an opportunity to explore the limitation of laser imaging applications.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kung Chris Wu "LISP: a laser imaging simulation package for developing and testing laser vision systems", Proc. SPIE 1713, International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, (18 January 1993);
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