18 January 1993 Simplified 3D motion estimation with point correspondences
Tao Wang, Xiaoliang Xing, Xinhua Zhuang
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Proceedings Volume 1713, International Conference on Manufacturing Automation; (1993)
Event: International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, 1992, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
A robust estimator, called simplified MF-estimator, to determine 3-D motion parameters is investigated in the paper. According to the Bayesian decision rule, it partitions a given data set into a subset containing good observations and a subset containing bad observations. The estimator can implement a least-squares estimator on the good data, and down-weight the outliers. To speed convergence of the algorithm, an annealing schedule is used. Finally, a great number of simulations are conducted to show robustness of this algorithm.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tao Wang, Xiaoliang Xing, and Xinhua Zhuang "Simplified 3D motion estimation with point correspondences", Proc. SPIE 1713, International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, (18 January 1993);
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