17 August 1994 Erbium laser ablation of hard tissue: control of the thermal load
Steven R. Visuri, Joseph T. Walsh Jr., Harvey A. Wigdor D.D.S.
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Erbium lasers can effectively cut hard biological tissues despite the limited water content of these materials. However, deposition of thermal energy into the tissue can be a concern for tissue such as teeth. It has been demonstrated in animal models that permanent damage can occur with a pulpal temperature rise of 5 degree(s)C. Therefore, it is necessary to cool such materials during the ablation process to avoid a buildup of thermal energy. an Er:YAG laser was used to ablate hard dental materials, such as dentin and enamel, in vitro. Temperature measurements were made by inserting a thermocouple probe at various locations within teeth. a fine stream of water flowing over the irradiation site was an effective means of cooling the teeth and did not limit the ablation rate significantly over the range of flow rates tested. Temperature rises near the ablation site were limited to less than 5 degree(s)C with the water spray; temperature rises of greater than 20 degree(s)C were seen with no water spray. Moderate variation in the water flow rate had a minimal effect on the temperature rise; most of the thermal energy was convected away with water flow rates as low as 5 ml/min.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Steven R. Visuri, Joseph T. Walsh Jr., and Harvey A. Wigdor D.D.S. "Erbium laser ablation of hard tissue: control of the thermal load", Proc. SPIE 2134, Laser-Tissue Interaction V; and Ultraviolet Radiation Hazards, (17 August 1994); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Erbium lasers

Laser ablation


Animal model studies

Dental materials

Er:YAG lasers


Effect of water on dental material ablation of the Er...
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