25 November 1996 Next-generation EUV imaging spectrometer for solar flare observations
J. Daniel Moses, Guenter E. Brueckner, Kenneth P. Dere, Clarence M. Korendyke, Norman E. Moulton, Dianne K. Prinz, John F. Seely, Dennis George Socker, Marilyn E. Bruner, James R. Lemen
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The Naval Research Laboratory Skylab SO82A slitless spectrograph provided solar flare observations that have never been equaled in diagnostic capabilities for interpreting thermal flare physics. Improvements in detector technology, optics and optical coating technology, and almost two decades of analysis of SO82A data can be combined with the basic concept of an EUV objective grating spectrograph to build an instrument to address many of the remaining mysteries of solar flares. This next generation instrument incorporates two sets of two identical, orthogonally mounted slitless spectrographic Cassegrain telescopes. Each telescope consists of a multilayer coated, Wadsworth mount objective grating and multilayer coated spherical secondary mirror; a backside illuminated CCD detector is installed at the focal plane. The orthogonal mounting changes the dispersion direction by 90 degrees on the disk image; processing on the two resulting images allows recovery of the undispersed disk image and spectral line profiles. The resulting instrument will obtain high time cadence, spectrally-dispersed images with improved spatial resolution, dynamic range, signal-to-noise ratio, and velocity discrimination.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
J. Daniel Moses, Guenter E. Brueckner, Kenneth P. Dere, Clarence M. Korendyke, Norman E. Moulton, Dianne K. Prinz, John F. Seely, Dennis George Socker, Marilyn E. Bruner, and James R. Lemen "Next-generation EUV imaging spectrometer for solar flare observations", Proc. SPIE 2804, Missions to the Sun, (25 November 1996);
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Extreme ultraviolet


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