25 November 1996 Backscattering measuring system for optimization of intravenous laser irradiation dose
Tatyana V. Rusina, V. D. Popov, Ivan S. Melnik, Sergiy M. Dets
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Intravenous laser blood irradiation as an effective method of biostimulation and physiotherapy becomes a more popular procedure. Optimal irradiation conditions for each patient are needed to be established individually. A fiber optics feedback system combined with conventional intravenous laser irradiation system was developed to control of irradiation process. The system consists of He-Ne laser, fiber optics probe and signal analyzer. Intravenous blood irradiation was performed in 7 healthy volunteers and 19 patients with different diseases. Measurements in vivo were related to in vitro blood irradiation which was performed in the same conditions with force-circulated venous blood. Comparison of temporal variations of backscattered light during all irradiation procedures has shown a strong discrepancy on optical properties of blood in patients with various health disorders since second procedure. The best cure effect was achieved when intensity of backscattered light was constant during at least five minutes. As a result, the optical irradiation does was considered to be equal 20 minutes' exposure of 3 mW He-Ne laser light at the end of fourth procedure.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tatyana V. Rusina, V. D. Popov, Ivan S. Melnik, and Sergiy M. Dets "Backscattering measuring system for optimization of intravenous laser irradiation dose", Proc. SPIE 2929, Effects of Low-Power Light on Biological Systems II, (25 November 1996);
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Laser irradiation

Helium neon lasers

Optical testing

Fiber optics

In vitro testing

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