23 May 1997 Development of diagnostic algorithms for image analysis of skin lesions
Dido M. Yova, Athanasios K. Delibasis, Constantinos N. Papaodysseus, Elias Koukoutsis, Periklis Vasilopoulos
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Proceedings Volume 2983, Functional Imaging and Optical Manipulation of Living Cells; (1997)
Event: BiOS '97, Part of Photonics West, 1997, San Jose, CA, United States
The crucial step in the diagnostic treatment of skin cancer is the initial examination and detection of any unusual change of a skin lesion. Digital imaging permits the documentation of the size, shape and color of lesions and their later comparison, so the last years its key role as an adjunct to early malignant melanoma diagnosis has arisen. In this work, a novel approach to diagnosis is presented by developing a digital imaging system for capturing and processing the images of individual lesions. It was used a 12 bit CCD camera, connected with a Pentium PC equipped with a Matrox frame grabber and convenient software. Images were collected using a zoom close up lens and a light source, attached to the front of the CCD camera. The format of the images was 640 X 480 pixels with 8 bit color table. The border of the lesion was found using a region growing based algorithm combined with the Gradient Operator. It was calculated the border irregularity and the asymmetry of the lesion, using the compactness formula. There was developed algorithms based on thresholding and region growing to determine the borders of the lesion. Compactness has been calculated as well. The pre-prototype system has been placed at the National Cancer Hospital to support melanoma diagnosis.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Dido M. Yova, Athanasios K. Delibasis, Constantinos N. Papaodysseus, Elias Koukoutsis, and Periklis Vasilopoulos "Development of diagnostic algorithms for image analysis of skin lesions", Proc. SPIE 2983, Functional Imaging and Optical Manipulation of Living Cells, (23 May 1997); Logo
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Algorithm development


Image analysis

CCD cameras

Imaging systems

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