26 September 1997 New neural-networks-based 3D object recognition system
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Three-dimensional object recognition has always been one of the challenging fields in computer vision. In recent years, Ulman and Basri (1991) have proposed that this task can be done by using a database of 2-D views of the objects. The main problem in their proposed system is that the correspondent points should be known to interpolate the views. On the other hand, their system should have a supervisor to decide which class does the represented view belong to. In this paper, we propose a new momentum-Fourier descriptor that is invariant to scale, translation, and rotation. This descriptor provides the input feature vectors to our proposed system. By using the Dystal network, we show that the objects can be classified with over 95% precision. We have used this system to classify the objects like cube, cone, sphere, torus, and cylinder. Because of the nature of the Dystal network, this system reaches to its stable point by a single representation of the view to the system. This system can also classify the similar views to a single class (e.g., for the cube, the system generated 9 different classes for 50 different input views), which can be used to select an optimum database of training views. The system is also very flexible to the noise and deformed views.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Purang Abolmaesumi and M. Jahed "New neural-networks-based 3D object recognition system", Proc. SPIE 3208, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XVI: Algorithms, Techniques, Active Vision, and Materials Handling, (26 September 1997);
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Object recognition


3D vision

Computer vision technology

Machine vision

Optical spheres


Neural network application for classification of profiles
Proceedings of SPIE (December 17 1993)
Recognition methods for 3D textured surfaces
Proceedings of SPIE (June 08 2001)
Matching sets of 3D segments
Proceedings of SPIE (September 23 1999)
Model-Based Object Recognition Using The Connection Machine
Proceedings of SPIE (February 19 1988)
Primary set of characteristic views for 3-D objects
Proceedings of SPIE (September 01 1991)

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