17 September 1999 Laser-induced microscopic autofluorescence imaging of human colonic tissues
Zhiwei Huang, Teck-Chee Chia, Sing Lee, Wei Zheng, Sanjay M. Krishnan, Tuan-Kay Lim, Shusen Xie
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Proceedings Volume 3863, 1999 International Conference on Biomedical Optics; (1999)
Event: International Symposium on Biomedical Optics, 1999, Wuhan, China
Using an excitation wavelength of 442 nm from a He-Cd laser, autofluorescence emissions from various layers of human colonic tissues were analyzed by a microspectrophotometric system. The cross section view on the sectioned colonic tissues reveals three distinct tissue layers for fluorescence, i.e., the mucosa, the submucosa and the muscularis propria, with submucosa being the most fluorescent. It was found that the acquired fluorescence imaging from different tissue layers could be used for localizing fluorescence as well as describing tissue architectural details of areas of distinct pathology that are essential for differentiating between normal and abnormal tissues by laser spectroscopic diagnostic approaches.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zhiwei Huang, Teck-Chee Chia, Sing Lee, Wei Zheng, Sanjay M. Krishnan, Tuan-Kay Lim, and Shusen Xie "Laser-induced microscopic autofluorescence imaging of human colonic tissues", Proc. SPIE 3863, 1999 International Conference on Biomedical Optics, (17 September 1999);
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