7 February 2000 Keyhole description in deep-penetration laser welding
Remy Fabbro, Karim Chouf
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Proceedings Volume 3888, High-Power Lasers in Manufacturing; (2000)
Event: Advanced High-Power Lasers and Applications, 1999, Osaka, Japan
We study the keyhole geometry as a function of the main operating parameters such as welding speed, laser incident intensity or sample material. This model is based on a drilling velocity whose combination with the welding velocity causes the inclination of the front keyhole wall. This front inclination is shown to be stationary and stable all along the front keyhole wall (FKW). The penetration depth results from the product of this drilling velocity and a characteristic time defined as the beam diameter divided by the welding speed. By using a ray-tracing procedure, the dynamics and the complete keyhole geometry can be determined by taking into account the multiple reflections inside the keyhole and a description of the closure process of the rear keyhole wall (RKW). We show that this RKW cannot be stationary all along its surface and only and adequate laser intensity distribution can make it stationary. The interest of elongated focal spots or twin-spots is then demonstrated. At high welding velocity the front wall is inclined and is composed of several layers resulting of the successive reflections. The rear wall fluctuates around an apparent equilibrium, and corresponding fluctuations occur on maximum penetration depth.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Remy Fabbro and Karim Chouf "Keyhole description in deep-penetration laser welding", Proc. SPIE 3888, High-Power Lasers in Manufacturing, (7 February 2000); Logo
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