2 June 2000 High-speed data access to the Green Bank Telescope
Gareth Hunt, Alan Bridle
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On completion in 2000, the Green Bank Telescope (GB) will be the largest fully steerable radio telescope in the world. It has a clear aperture design, an active surface, and an advanced laser metrology system designed to give the enormous structure precision performance at radio wavelengths of less than 3 mm. To realize the full scientific potential of such a telescope, we must dynamically match the requirements of the most meritorious scientific programs to the changing observing conditions. This requires (1) flexible scheduling so that the most demanding programs are scheduled only when conditions are appropriate for them, and (2) interactive real-time access to the data by astronomers so they can judge how best to meet their scientific goals under the prevailing conditions. Because of Green Bank's isolated location, we expect that a substantial fraction of the observing will be done remotely. Facilities to interact with the GB must therefore be available at the observers' home institutions. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory seeks to establish a DS-3 or higher network connection to Green Bank. This poses special problems due to the remoteness of the facility.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gareth Hunt and Alan Bridle "High-speed data access to the Green Bank Telescope", Proc. SPIE 4011, Advanced Global Communications Technologies for Astronomy, (2 June 2000);
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Radio telescopes

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Radio astronomy


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