13 July 2004 Measuring peripheral wavefront aberrations in subjects with large central visual field loss
Linda Lundstrom, Peter Unsbo, Jorgen Gustafsson
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Introduction: In a previous study we have shown that correction of peripheral refractive errors can improve the remaining vision in the preferred retinal location (PRL) of subjects with large central visual field loss (CFL). Measuring peripheral refractive errors with traditional methods is often difficult due to the low visual acuity and large aberrations. Therefore a Hartmann-Shack (HS) sensor has been designed to measure peripheral wavefront aberrations in CFL subjects. Method: The HS sensor incorporates an eyetracker and analyzing software designed to handle large wavefront aberrations. To ensure that the measurement axis is aligned with the subject's PRL, a special fixation target has been developed. It consists of concentric rings surrounding the aperture of the HS together with a central fixation mark along the measurement axis. Results: Some initial measurements on subjects with CFL have been performed successfully. As a first step in improving the peripheral optics of the eye, the wavefront data have been used to calculate the subject's optimal eccentric refraction. Conclusion: Measuring the wavefront aberrations is a fast and easy way to assess the details of the optics in subjects with CFL. The wavefront data can then be used to better understand the problems of eccentric correction.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Linda Lundstrom, Peter Unsbo, and Jorgen Gustafsson "Measuring peripheral wavefront aberrations in subjects with large central visual field loss", Proc. SPIE 5314, Ophthalmic Technologies XIV, (13 July 2004); Logo
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Wavefront aberrations


Point spread functions

Monochromatic aberrations


Computer Simulation Of Dolphin Vision
Proceedings of SPIE (August 12 1988)
Aberration mapping for sight correction
Proceedings of SPIE (June 01 1998)

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