13 August 2004 Architecture for a simulation assembly language supporting sequential, distributed, and hardware operational modes
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We define an assembly-layer block language as the Dynamics eXchange Language (DXL), and discuss methods for supporting sequential simulation and distributed simulation by varying the target code generator. DXL is an XML-based language that positions itself between higher level modeling languages and a programming code. Through the use of the XML Document Object Model (DOM), we demonstrate a translation approach that yields a target code in two languages for simulation and distributed computing.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jinho Lee and Paul A. Fishwick "Architecture for a simulation assembly language supporting sequential, distributed, and hardware operational modes", Proc. SPIE 5423, Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science VIII, (13 August 2004);
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Computer simulations

Computer architecture

Computer programming

Computer programming languages

Distributed computing

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