25 February 2005 ARM-based embedded processor: real-time implementation for thinning and crest restoration in gray-level images
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Proceedings Volume 5671, Real-Time Imaging IX; (2005)
Event: Electronic Imaging 2005, 2005, San Jose, California, United States
This paper describes the hardware and software implementation of image segmentation chain on ARM based embedded processor. Image segmentation chain is composed by edge detection operator, thinning and crest restoration operators. Thinnning and restoration steps provide closing and thin contours. The crest restoration processing can be followed by region labeling to get a unique label for each closed region. The seamless ALTERA flow allows designing and implementing efficiently the segmentation architecture into the XA10 Excalibur board. The Altera flow provides design entries for hardware/software, simulation and evaluation steps. The architecture of the edge detection, thinning and crest restoration operators are hardware and software optimized for real-time image processing.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mohamed Akil "ARM-based embedded processor: real-time implementation for thinning and crest restoration in gray-level images", Proc. SPIE 5671, Real-Time Imaging IX, (25 February 2005); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Edge detection

Image segmentation

Image processing

Image filtering

Computer architecture

Computer aided design

Detection and tracking algorithms

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