7 October 2005 In vivo macroscopic HPD fluorescence reflectance imaging on small animals bearing surface ARO/NPA tumor
Maddalena Autiero, Luigi Celentano, Paolo Laccetti, Marcello Marotta, Giovanni Mettivier, Maria C. Montesi, Patrizia Riccio, Paolo Russo, Giuseppe Roberti
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Recently multimodal imaging systems have been devised because the combination of different imaging modalities results in the complementarity and integration of the techniques and in a consequent improvement of the diagnostic capabilities of the multimodal system with respect to each separate imaging modality. We developed a simple and reliable HematoPorphyrin (HP) mediated Fluorescence Reflectance Imaging (FRI) system that allows for in vivo real time imaging of surface tumors with a large field of view. The tumor cells are anaplastic human thyroid carcinoma-derived ARO cells, or human papillary thyroid carcinoma-derived NPA cells. Our measurements show that the optical contrast of the tumor region image is increased by a simple digital subtraction of the background fluorescence and that HP fluorescence emissivity of ARO tumors is about 2 times greater than that of NPA tumors, and about 4 times greater than that of healthy tissues. This is also confirmed by spectroscopic measurements on histological sections of tumor and healthy tissues. It was shown also the capability of this system to distinguish the tumor type on the basis of the different intensity of the fluorescence emission, probably related to the malignancy degree. The features of this system are complementary with those ones of a pixel radionuclide detection system, which allows for relatively time expensive, narrow field of view measurements, and applicability to tumors also deeply imbedded in tissues. The fluorescence detection could be used as a large scale and quick analysis tool and could be followed by narrow field, higher resolution radionuclide measurements on previously determined highly fluorescent regions.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Maddalena Autiero, Luigi Celentano, Paolo Laccetti, Marcello Marotta, Giovanni Mettivier, Maria C. Montesi, Patrizia Riccio, Paolo Russo, and Giuseppe Roberti "In vivo macroscopic HPD fluorescence reflectance imaging on small animals bearing surface ARO/NPA tumor", Proc. SPIE 5859, Photon Migration and Diffuse-Light Imaging II, 58590C (7 October 2005); Logo
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