16 January 2006 Multi-wavelength generation in periodically poled lithium niobate pumped by a Q-Switched Nd:YVO4 laser
Xuechun Lin, Hongbo Zhang, Aiyun Yao, Yupeng Kong, Guiling Wang, Zuyan Xu
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Proceedings Volume 6028, ICO20: Lasers and Laser Technologies; 60280T (2006)
Event: ICO20:Optical Devices and Instruments, 2005, Changchun, China
Seven output wavelengths ranged from violet to mid-infrared have been observed simultaneously from a optical parametric oscillator with a periodically poled lithium niobate crystal. The pump laser is diode-pumped Q-Switched Nd:YVO4 laser with the wavelengths at 1064 nm. The turning output wavelengths can be obtained by changing the periods or temperatures of PPLN. The seven output wavelengths, corresponding to the sum frequency generation of the pump and the doubling signal ( 2ωsp), the third harmonic generation of the signal ( 3ωs ), the second harmonic generation of the pump (2ωp), the sum frequency generation of the pump and the signal (ωsp), the second harmonic generation of the signal (2ωs), the signal (ωs) and the idler (ωi), measured are 433, 488, 532, 616, 731, 1463 and 3902 nm, at the period of 28.7 μm with the temperature of 333 K. These data showed good agreement with those calculated by the Sellmeier equation. This phenomenon may find novel applications in photonic devices.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xuechun Lin, Hongbo Zhang, Aiyun Yao, Yupeng Kong, Guiling Wang, and Zuyan Xu "Multi-wavelength generation in periodically poled lithium niobate pumped by a Q-Switched Nd:YVO4 laser", Proc. SPIE 6028, ICO20: Lasers and Laser Technologies, 60280T (16 January 2006); Logo
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Optical parametric oscillators


Harmonic generation

Q switched lasers


Semiconductor lasers

Laser crystals

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