3 November 2005 Grayscale image contrast enhancement based on multi-scale edge representation
Guangtao Zhai, Wenjun Zhang, Xiaokang Yang
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Proceedings Volume 6044, MIPPR 2005: Image Analysis Techniques; 604413 (2005)
Event: MIPPR 2005 SAR and Multispectral Image Processing, 2005, Wuhan, China
We propose an image contrast enhancement algorithm using multi-scale edge representation of images. It has long been known that the Human Vision System (HVS) heavily depends on edges in the understanding and perception of scenes. Contrasts in grayscale images are measured between the differences of pixels on both sides of edges, which is defined as the gradient magnitudes of those edges. And multi-scale edge of an image is characterized by the local extrema of wavelet coefficients across levels. So rebuilding an image from properly stretched the extrema is a promising way to enhance the contrast of the image. We tackle this reconstruction problem with a straightforward interpolation method instead of the commonly used iterative projection process. Extensive experiments justify our algorithm an efficient and effective contrast enhancement method.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Guangtao Zhai, Wenjun Zhang, and Xiaokang Yang "Grayscale image contrast enhancement based on multi-scale edge representation", Proc. SPIE 6044, MIPPR 2005: Image Analysis Techniques, 604413 (3 November 2005); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Image enhancement


Image contrast enhancement

Wavelet transforms

Optical filters

Medical imaging

Human vision and color perception


Image enhancement based on contourlet transform
Proceedings of SPIE (January 24 2019)
Primitive-based contrast enhancement method
Proceedings of SPIE (April 16 1996)
Medical image processing using wavelets
Proceedings of SPIE (October 27 2006)
Image deblocking based on multi-scale edge representation
Proceedings of SPIE (November 03 2005)

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