17 May 2006 High performance InAlSb MWIR detectors operating at 100K and beyond
Alex Glozman, Eli Harush, Eli Jacobsohn, Olga Klin, Philip Klipstein D.D.S., Tuvy Markovitz, Vered Nahum, Erez Saguy, Joelle Oiknine-Schlesinger, Itay Shtrichman, Michael Yassen, Boris Yofis, Eliezer Weiss
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Over the past few years SCD has developed a new InAlSb diode technology based on Antimonide Based Compound Semiconductors (ABCS). In addition SCD has lead in the development of a new standard of silicon readout circuits based on digital processing. These are known as the "Sebastian" family of focal plane processors and are available in 384 × 480 and 512 × 640 formats. The combination of ABCS diode technology with digital readout capability highlights an important cornerstone of SCDs 3rd generation detector program. ABCS diode technology offers lower dark currents or higher operating temperatures in the 100K region while digital readouts provide very low noise and high immunity to external interference, combined with very high functionality. In this paper we present the current status of our ABCS-digital product development, in which the detectors are designed to provide improved performance characteristics for applications such as hand-held thermal imagers, missile seekers, airborne missile warning systems, long-range target identification and reconnaissance, etc. The most important Detector-Dewar-Cooler Assembly (DDCA) parameters are reviewed, according to each specific application. Benefits of these products include lower power consumption, lighter weight, higher signal-to-noise ratio, improved cooler reliability, faster mission readiness, longer mission times and more compact solutions for volume-critical applications. All these advantages are being offered without sacrificing the standard qualities of SCDs InSb Focal Plane Arrays (FPAs), such as excellent radiometric performance, image uniformity, high operability and soft-defect cosmetics.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alex Glozman, Eli Harush, Eli Jacobsohn, Olga Klin, Philip Klipstein D.D.S., Tuvy Markovitz, Vered Nahum, Erez Saguy, Joelle Oiknine-Schlesinger, Itay Shtrichman, Michael Yassen, Boris Yofis, and Eliezer Weiss "High performance InAlSb MWIR detectors operating at 100K and beyond", Proc. SPIE 6206, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXII, 62060M (17 May 2006); Logo
Cited by 21 scholarly publications.
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