18 May 2006 The Canadian Forces ILDS: a militarily fielded multisensor vehicle-mounted teleoperated landmine detection system
John E. McFee, Kevin L. Russell, Robert H. Chesney, Anthony A. Faust, Yogadhish Das
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The Improved Landmine Detection System (ILDS) is intended to meet Canadian military mine clearance requirements in rear area combat situations and peacekeeping on roads and tracks. The system consists of two teleoperated vehicles and a command vehicle. The teleoperated protection vehicle precedes, clearing antipersonnel mines and magnetic and tilt rod-fuzed antitank mines. It consists of an armoured personnel carrier with a forward looking infrared imager, a finger plow or roller and a magnetic signature duplicator. The teleoperated detection vehicle follows to detect antitank mines. The purpose-built vehicle carries forward looking infrared and visible imagers, a 3 m wide, down-looking sensitive electromagnetic induction detector array and a 3 m wide down-looking ground probing radar, which scan the ground in front of the vehicle. Sensor information is combined using navigation sensors and custom navigation, registration, spatial correspondence and data fusion algorithms. Suspicious targets are then confirmed by a thermal neutron activation detector. The prototype, designed and built by Defence R&D Canada, was completed in October 1997. General Dynamics Canada delivered four production units, based on the prototype concept and technologies, to the Canadian Forces (CF) in 2002. ILDS was deployed in Afghanistan in 2003, making the system the first militarily fielded, teleoperated, multi-sensor vehicle-mounted mine detector and the first with a fielded confirmation sensor. Performance of the prototype in Canadian and independent US trials is summarized and recent results from the production version of the confirmation sensor are discussed. CF operations with ILDS in Afghanistan are described.
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John E. McFee, Kevin L. Russell, Robert H. Chesney, Anthony A. Faust, and Yogadhish Das "The Canadian Forces ILDS: a militarily fielded multisensor vehicle-mounted teleoperated landmine detection system", Proc. SPIE 6217, Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets XI, 62172G (18 May 2006); Logo
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