28 September 2006 Fourier transform infared spectroscopic imaging for the identification of concealed drug residue particles and fingerprints
Camilla Ricci, K. L. Andrew Chan, Sergei G. Kazarian
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Proceedings Volume 6402, Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting II; 64020M (2006)
Event: Optics/Photonics in Security and Defence, 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Conventional FTIR spectroscopy and microscopy has been widely used in forensic science. New opportunities exist to obtain rapid chemical images and to enhance the sensitivity of detection of trace materials using attenuated total reflection (ATR) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy coupled with a focal-plane array (FPA) detector. In this work, the sensitivity of ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging using three different kinds of ATR crystals (Ge coupled with an infrared microscope, ZnSe and diamond) and resulting in three different optical arrangements for the detection of model drug particles is discussed. Model systems of ibuprofen and paracetamol particles having a size below 32 micrometers have been prepared by sieving. The sensitivity level in the three different approaches has been compared and it has been found that both micro and macro-ATR imaging methods have proven to be a promising techniques for the identification of concealed drug particles. To demonstrate the power and applicability of FTIR chemical imaging to forensic research, various examples are discussed. This includes investigation of the changes of chemical nature of latent fingerprint residue under controlled conditions of humidity and temperature studied by ATR-FTIR imaging. This study demonstrates the potential of spectroscopic imaging for visualizing the chemical changes of fingerprints.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Camilla Ricci, K. L. Andrew Chan, and Sergei G. Kazarian "Fourier transform infared spectroscopic imaging for the identification of concealed drug residue particles and fingerprints", Proc. SPIE 6402, Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting II, 64020M (28 September 2006); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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FT-IR spectroscopy


Imaging spectroscopy


Forensic science


Infrared radiation


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