7 May 2007 An algorithm for target validation using 3D scattering features
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In this paper we present an algorithm for target validation using 3-D scattering features. Building a high fidelity 3-D CAD model is a key step in the target validation process. 3-D scattering features were introduced previously [1] to capture the spatial and angular scattering properties of a target. The 3-D scattering feature set for a target is obtained by using the 3-D scattering centers predicted from the shooting and bouncing ray technique, and establishing a correspondence between the scattering centers and their associated angular visibility. A 3-D scattering feature can be interpreted to be a matched filter for a target, since the radar data projected onto the feature are matched to the spatial and angular scattering behavior of the target. Furthermore, the 3-D scattering features can be tied back to the target geometries using the trace-back information computed during the extraction process. By projecting the measured radar data onto a set of 3-D scattering features and examining the associated correlations and trace-back information, the quality of the 3-D target CAD model used for synthetic signature modeling can be quantified. The correlation and traceback information can point to regions of a target that differ from the 3-D CAD model. Results for the canonical Slicy target using the algorithm are presented.
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Ann Marie Raynal, Rajan Bhalla, Hao Ling, and Vincent J. Velten "An algorithm for target validation using 3D scattering features", Proc. SPIE 6568, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XIV, 65680I (7 May 2007); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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3D modeling

Solid modeling

3D acquisition


Computer aided design

Data modeling

Detection and tracking algorithms


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