9 January 2008 Analysis of energy efficient routing protocols for implementation of a ubiquitous health system
Jongwon Kwon, Yongman Park, Sangjun Koo, Odgeral Ayurzana, Hiesik Kim
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Proceedings Volume 6794, ICMIT 2007: Mechatronics, MEMS, and Smart Materials; 67945J (2008)
Event: ICMIT 2007: Mechatronics, MEMS, and Smart Materials, 2007, Gifu, Japan
The innovative Ubiquitous-Health was born through convergence of medical service, with development of up to date information technologies and ubiquitous IT. The U-Health can be applied to a variety of special situations for managing functions of each medical center efficiently. This paper focuses on estimation of various routing protocols for implementation of U-health monitoring system. In order to facilitate wireless communication over the network, a routing protocol on the network layer is used to establish precise and efficient route between sensor nodes so that information acquired from sensors may be delivered in a timely manner. A route establishment should be considered to minimize overhead, data loss and power consumption because wireless networks for U-health are organized by a large number of sensor nodes which are small in size and have limited processing power, memory and battery life. In this paper a overview of wireless sensor network technologies commonly known is described as well as evaluation of three multi hop routing protocols which are flooding, gossiping and modified low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy(LEACH) for use with these networks using TOSSIM simulator. As a result of evaluation the integrated wireless sensor board was developed in particular. The board is embedded device based on AVR128 porting TinyOS. Also it employs bio sensor measures blood pressure, pulse frequency and ZigBee module for wireless communication. This paper accelerates the digital convergence age through continual research and development of technologies related the U-Health.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jongwon Kwon, Yongman Park, Sangjun Koo, Odgeral Ayurzana, and Hiesik Kim "Analysis of energy efficient routing protocols for implementation of a ubiquitous health system", Proc. SPIE 6794, ICMIT 2007: Mechatronics, MEMS, and Smart Materials, 67945J (9 January 2008);
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Sensor networks

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