8 December 1986 Comparison Of Several Large Photocathode Electronic Streak Tubes
Paul B. Weiss, Linda Walling
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There has been increased interest in streak images with large numbers of resolvable spatial points with good dynamic range. Tests have been performed on tubes from six different manufacturers in four countries (France, UK, USA and Japan). These include measurement of dynamic resolution, dynamic range, photocathode uniformity and absolute photocathode quantum efficiency. In general these tests were performed with sweep ranges from 10 to 100 ns in the visible portion of the spectrum. Results of these measurements comparing the different tubes will be presented. While dynamic range measurements were made by observing spot broadening as photocathode illumination was varied, the dynamic resolution was made at high light levels (a few times below saturation) only -- due to sensitivity limitations with our vidicon readout system. It should be noted that this tube characterization is an ongoing effort. The manufacturers are continually improving their products and our understanding of how to best characterize and compare them also undergoes a continual evolution.
© (1986) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Paul B. Weiss and Linda Walling "Comparison Of Several Large Photocathode Electronic Streak Tubes", Proc. SPIE 0693, High Speed Photography, Videography, and Photonics IV, (8 December 1986);
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Spatial resolution

Quantum efficiency

High speed photography



Temporal resolution



Large Photocathode Streak Tube
Proceedings of SPIE (January 14 1986)
Streak Tube Characterization For Transient Recording
Proceedings of SPIE (February 04 1988)
New Type Femtosecond Streak Tube
Proceedings of SPIE (June 07 1989)
Femtosecond Streak Camera
Proceedings of SPIE (January 14 1986)

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