20 October 2009 A method of calculating residual stresses through elastic modulus measured by nanoindentation
Yanshen Wang, Yuxian Gai, Shiliang Qu D.D.S., Shen Dong, Yingchun Liang
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Proceedings Volume 7493, Second International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering; 74931M (2009)
Event: Second International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, 2009, Weihai, China
Nanoindentation is a good method for characterizing residual stresses with large gradient that distributed in a very confined area. In our previous research, a formula was brought out to characterize residual stresses from elastic modulus measured in nanoindentation experiments. In this paper, aluminum alloy bulks were used as samples to validate the formula. The bulks were machined to be mirror surface on one side through ultra-precision diamond turning. Two samples were compressed and stretched by load instruments respectively. Nanomechanical properties such as elastic modulus in the areas on the mirror surface of the compressed and stretched samples were both measured by a commercial nanomechanical test system (TriboIndenter, Hysitron Inc.). Using the formula, then, the mean values of residual stresses on the mirror surface were calculated through the acquired experiment data. After that, the two stressed samples were tested by a commercial XRD instrument (X'Pert, Philips Inc.). Comparing the residual stresses that obtained through nanoindentation and XRD methods, their difference was no more than 10.5%, which showed that the formula is suitable for characterizing residual stresses in materials even it has high plasticity. Thus, the formula was validated.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yanshen Wang, Yuxian Gai, Shiliang Qu D.D.S., Shen Dong, and Yingchun Liang "A method of calculating residual stresses through elastic modulus measured by nanoindentation", Proc. SPIE 7493, Second International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, 74931M (20 October 2009);
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Raman spectroscopy

X-ray diffraction


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Diamond turning


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