17 February 2010 A 200 mW, CW, 355 nm laser based on DPSS side pumped, internally frequency tripled technology
Steven M. Jarrett, Gandhar P. Shellikeri, Oscar Varela
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We have developed a new, frequency tripled 355 nm CW laser to produce power up to 200 mW. The noise level of the laser is 0.2% rms within an 8 MHz bandwidth and with a peak to peak noise of 2%. Side pumped Nd:YVO4 is the gain medium. The laser mode efficiently samples the diode array pump mode. Frequency doubling and tripling is internal to the 1064 nm cavity. This paper discusses the characteristics such as power, the noise performance and the beam quality of the laser, along with some potential applications.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Steven M. Jarrett, Gandhar P. Shellikeri, and Oscar Varela "A 200 mW, CW, 355 nm laser based on DPSS side pumped, internally frequency tripled technology", Proc. SPIE 7578, Solid State Lasers XIX: Technology and Devices, 75780Q (17 February 2010);
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Ultraviolet radiation


Semiconductor lasers

Continuous wave operation

Neodymium lasers

Laser applications

Laser crystals


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