9 March 2010 Human airway tree structure query atlas
Gary E. Christensen, Nathan E. Burnette, Weichen Gao, Matineh Shaker, Joseph M. Reinhardt, Janice E. Cook-Granroth, Geoffrey McLennan M.D., Eric A. Hoffman
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A queryable electronic atlas was developed to quantitatively characterize the normal human lung airway tree and to provide a better understanding of the lung for diagnosing diseases and evaluating treatments. The atlas consists of airway measurements taken from CT images using the Pulmonary Workstation II (PW2) software package. These measurements include airway cross-sectional area at midpoint between branch points; maximum and minimum diameter of a particular airway cross section at segment midpoint; average, maximum, and minimum wall thickness per branch; and wall thickness uniformity within a branch. The atlas provides user friendly interfaces for interrogating population statistics, comparing populations, comparing individuals to populations, and comparing individuals to other individuals. Populations can be selected based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, and normalcy/disease.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gary E. Christensen, Nathan E. Burnette, Weichen Gao, Matineh Shaker, Joseph M. Reinhardt, Janice E. Cook-Granroth, Geoffrey McLennan M.D., and Eric A. Hoffman "Human airway tree structure query atlas", Proc. SPIE 7626, Medical Imaging 2010: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, 762611 (9 March 2010);
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Computed tomography

Image segmentation

Human-machine interfaces

Data acquisition


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